PTE Syllabus and Pattern | Courses, Subjects, Question Types and More


PTE Syllabus

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In this article, we have covered the whole syllabus of the PTE Exam Syllabus. There is something more about the PTE Exam, you can learn about it by clicking on the given link below:

PTE Syllabus

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PTE Exam Pattern

PTE Score

PTE Syllabus

The PTE syllabus covers the following:

  1. PTE syllabus of the Speaking test 
  2. PTE syllabus of Writing test
  3. PTE syllabus of Reading test
  4. PTE Syllabus of Listening test

The above sections are described below:

PTE Syllabus of the Speaking and Writing test 

This segment includes the test of two skills, which are the student's written and spoken abilities in the English language. The time duration for this segment is usually between 77 to 93 minutes. The sections into which this segment is divided are given below : 

  • Personal introduction 

In this section, the candidate is given an opportunity to give information about themselves to their selected institutions. The candidate will have 25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare their response, and then 30 seconds to record their response. This item is not scored but will be sent together with the candidate’s score report to the institutions selected by them.

  • Read aloud

 In this section, the candidate needs to read a written text aloud. the candidate has 30-40 seconds to prepare, based on the length of the passage.

  • Repeat sentence

In this section, the candidate needs to repeat the sentence they hear. the replay of the audio is not allowed. They are only able to record their response once, so they should try to repeat exactly what they heard.

  • Describe image

In this section, the candidate needs to describe an image. They have 25 seconds to study the image and prepare their response.

  • Re-tell lecture

In this section, the candidate needs to re-tell what they heard. They may also see an image related to the audio. After the audio finishes, they have 10 seconds to prepare

  • Answer short questions.

In this section, the candidate needs to reply to the question in one or a few words. They may also come across an image. Answer the question with few words only.

  • Summarize written text

In this section, the candidate needs to write a summary of the text in one sentence. They have 10 minutes to write their summary. Try to include the main points of the reading passage as much as possible in a full, single sentence of not more than 75 words.

  • Essay

In this section, the candidate needs to write a 200-300 word argumentative essay in response to a prompt.

While working on the reading section of the PTE Syllabus your focus and emphasis for the speaking aspect should be on how you present yourself, your pronunciation, and your command on communicating in the language. For your preparation on the writing aspect of the PTE Syllabus, your focus should be on your grammar, punctuation, and correct usage of words. 

PTE Syllabus of Reading test

The second section of the Pearson Test of English Academic Test is the Reading Section and is usually 32 to 41 minutes long. This section tests the candidate’s ability to understand written instructions and language, the reading segment is divided into 5  sections as given below :

  • Reading and Writing fill in the blanks

In this section, there is a passage with some missing words, the candidate needs to choose the most suitable words from a drop-down list. 

  • Multiple choices, multiple answers

In this section, the candidate needs to read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions. They need to select all the possible answers, they think are correct from the list of possible responses.

  • Re-order paragraphs

In this section, the candidate needs to reorder the text by selecting text boxes and dragging them to the right place.

  • Fill in the blanks

In this section, there is a passage with some missing words, the candidate needs to drag and drop words across the screen to correctly fill in the gaps from the list of words. There are more words given than the gaps provided.

  • Multiple choice, single answer

In this section, the candidate needs to read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate answer.

PTE Syllabus of Listening test

The final section of PTE is the Listening section. The time taken for this segment is 45 to 57 minutes, the section is designed to evaluate the ability of the candidate to understand spoken English. The listening segment is divided into 8 parts, namely –

  • Summarize spoken text

In this section, the candidate needs to listen to an audio recording and write a summary of what they have heard. They have 10 minutes to write their summary and should contain only 50-70 words. The audio recording can be heard only once.

  • Multiple choices, multiple answers

In this section, the candidate hears the audio recording and answers the multiple-choice questions. They need to select all the possible answer that they think is correct from the list of possible options.

  • Fill the blanks

In this section, the candidate is given a transcript with audio recording, but there are some words missing in the transcript. The candidate must type the missing words. They are able to listen to the audio recording only once.

  • Highlight the correct summary

In this section, the candidate needs to select only one summary that best matches the recording from several possible response options.

  • Multiple choice, single answer

In this section, the candidate hears an audio recording and answers the multiple-choice questions. There are several possible correct options but the only one which is most appropriate should be selected.

  • Select missing word

In this section, a few words in the recording will sound like a beep. The candidate needs to select the most suitable option to replace with the beep and complete the recording.

  • Highlight incorrect words

In this section, the candidate is presented with a transcript of the audio recording, however, the transcript contains some differences. By listening and reading, they need to select the words in the text that differs from what they hear.

  • Write from dictation

In this section, the candidate hears a short sentence. They should type the sentence into the response box after that